The Horse Boy: Looking for Answers to Autism With Horses in Mongolia

On Tuesday, May 11, The Horse Boy airs nationally 10pm EDT on the PBS series Independent Lens.

The Horse Boy is a film about a dad (Rupert Isaacson) and a mom (Kristin Neff ) who are trying to do what hundreds of thousands of families in America do every day – search for a way to reach their child with autism. Only, we don’t look so good doing it and we usually stay pretty close to home.

Rupert is a past professional horse trainer, writer and journalist as well as a human rights advocate for tribal peoples. Rupert’s wife and Rowan’s mother, Kristin, is a tenured professor of psychology, and has been a practicing Buddhist for more than 10 years. She is well known for her researches into the Buddhist concept of self-compassion and its correlation with positive mental health. When Rupert witnessed the amazing way in which their son Rowan, who had autism, connected with their horses in Texas, they started to wonder if there was a place on earth that combined healing and horses. They discovered that the nomadic horse life is still lived by most of the people Mongolia, and it is also the one country where shamanism–healing at its most raw and direct–is the state religion. So off they went.

All right, so maybe we all can’t grab our kids with autism and take off for Monglolia and ride horses and experience ritual healings with the reindeer people. I know my area’s Regional Center isn’t going to pay for it and neither is the school district. However, the point of the movie is best highlighted by Michel Orion Scott (director and cinematographer) of “The Horse Boy” when he is asked what he thinks ‘healed’ or helped Rowan. His answer:

“I don’t know … but what I do know is that, if there was one thing it could be contributed to, without a doubt, it is that the parents took that extra step to follow their child into the unknown. To allow themselves to trust the love they have for their son and to do whatever it took to find a way into his life.”

It’s a good reminder, as parents to follow your instincts, observe and listen to your child. Cheesy as it may sound, follow your heart. It’s sound advice. Though Rowan, Rupert and Kristin are in Mongolia, they encounter the same trails and tribulations that most parents with autism do. We hear Rupert exclaim,

“Sometimes it is like he (Rowan) is leaping forward and sometimes it is like he is totally regressing.”

Who can’t relate to that? What parent doesn’t feel that anguish every time there is a ‘setback’? Your child or teen goes back to some disruptive or unhappy behavior, and you are filled with the double anguish of not being able to figure out how to make him feel better, and the fear that it may not be just a temporary regression.
With all the ups and downs we parents of children with autism have to face, it’s nice to see inspirational movies such as this one from time to time. The scenery is beautiful and it’s a pleasure to watch a movie about autism that doesn’t take place in a classroom. It’s also good to know that Rupert and Kristin have used the profits from the book The Horse Boy to found the nonprofit Horse Boy Foundation, which offers the chance to ride and benefit from close contact with horses, other animals, and nature. They welcome families to spend time there.

My favorite line in the movie is when Rupert says:

“We’re gonna climb up 12,000 feet to perform 4 hour healing rituals with shamans, isn’t that what all families do?”

Rupert was being sarcastic, but the answer is, “Yes.” Yes, it is what all of us parents do. We get up and we climb mountains every day, in order to help our children. Sometimes the shamans are helpful, and sometimes they are not, and often it is hard to tell the difference. Watch this film, and you’ll be inspired to continue climbing those mountains. You know it’s worth every step.

“THE STATE OF THINGS” North Carolina Public Radio station WUNC

Click here for a link to the radio show

The program is “The State of Things” on North Carolina Public Radio station WUNC.  Longtime NPR correspondent Frank Stasio hosts the program, which  this time  focused on autism.

The way Franc Stasio introduced me is a description I think describes what all autism moms and dads tend to be – strategists:

“… Jeremy is almost 22 now and  he is thriving thanks to an army of experts whose chief strategist and leader of the troops is his mother.” Frank Stasio, host of radio show ‘The State of Things” on WUNC, North Carolina Public Radio, April 2010.

I was on a panel that will include  Autism Society of North Carolina  spokesperson David Laxton; and a representative of the North Carolina TEACCH program, and Daniel Coulter.  TEACCH stands for “Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication Handicapped Children” and is associated with the North Carolina School of Medicine.

How to Teach a Child or Teen with Autism the Concept of Waiting

There are a few things in life that are certain: paying taxes, death and waiting. No matter who you are, part of your life will be spent waiting. Unfortunately, the “waiting” concept is not one that is picked up by osmosis for many children  on the spectrum. Hopefully, they will have learned this concept  by the time they are teens, but I’m still including it in this column because it is a necessary life skill everyone needs to learn – on and off the spectrum. We all have to wait in line at the grocery store, wait at the doctors office, wait for a turn on our favorite ride at Disneyland, wait at the restaurant for our food. Children also have to learn how to wait  at holiday events,  when traveling, at home for things they can’t have right away or to go out for a ride in the car. As children grow into teens and become more responsible for their behavior, waiting is definitely a skill they will be expected to use in the community.

Teaching the concept of waiting


Here’s one way of teaching the concept of waiting:

  • Make a nice- sized (4×4 or bigger) picture icon that has a figure sitting  in a chair, and the face of a clock on it. Put it somewhere convenient and noticeable, such as the refrigerator.
  • Glue a piece of velcro  on the big icon for putting a smaller  icon of requested item on it.
  • Have a timer available.
  • Have small icons of the child’s favorite items that he likes to request.
  • Have those items (food or toys) within his eyesight but out of his reach (but easily within yours).
  • When child asks for item out of reach, show him the corresponding icon, place it on the bigger waiting icon, and say “we are waiting” and set timer for whatever his capability for waiting  is at this point (10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute).
  • As soon as the timer rings, give him immediately the requested item. Tell him “We are finished waiting.”
  • Do this many times  whenever the opportunity arises and extend the amount of time until the child can wait longer and longer.

Each child is different in how long this will take or for how long he can learn to wait (and this will change as well over time).  Eventually when he is asking for a ride in the car and you can’t go right away, you can tell him “Not now, in 10 more minutes your sister will be ready. We are waiting,” and he will get the idea that he may not get what he wants now, but he will get what he wants eventually. This will lessen his frustration, and subsequently, yours.

The Ultimate Sandwich Generation

This article first appeared in the April 2010 edition of Spectrum Magazine.

When my father passed away in 2007, we moved my mom to a skilled nursing facility near our home. Caring for my son Jeremy and caring for my mom—one affected by autism and the other by Parkinson’s—I’m continually reminded how similar their brain processing challenges are. One glaring difference, however, is that my son is gaining in skills (albeit slowly), while my mother is losing them.
As an older parent (I won’t say how old – a lady is entitled to her secrets), I’m now sandwiched between caring for my children, and caring for my elderly mother. The balance of time has shifted, and now it is my turn to look after Maman who once looked after me. In the trunk of my car I carry a change of clothes for my son and adult diapers for my mom.

Both Jeremy and Maman require high levels of support and are nearly the same in terms of stress, worry, and time commitment. Soon after moving my mom down here, I was overseeing my mom’s caretakers, as well as my son’s in-home support staff. That pile of insurance papers I already hated filling out for my son looked small in comparison with all the paperwork following my dad’s death and all that needed to be done for Maman. The number of phone calls I had to make to health professionals, therapists and agencies suddenly quadrupled. And then there were the Interdisciplinary Care Plan meetings in regards to Maman and the Individualized Educational Program meetings for Jeremy.

Sometimes, it feels like I’m not doing right by either of them. Meanwhile, I still have my work to do, with deadlines looming. “Squeeze as much as you can into a 24-hour day” seems to be the mantra around here. Because of course there are the financial worries that having a “Jeremy” entails.

The other day I took Jeremy to visit my mom. When we got there, Maman was sitting in the communal living room, where there is not much living going on. Maman was slumped in her wheelchair, staring blankly at the TV screen. We walked in and greeted her, but she did not respond. Maman was ignoring us.
“Maman, what’s going on?” I asked.
“I’m mad because you didn’t come yesterday,” she replied, refusing to look at me.

The day before, Jeremy’s tutor had called in sick, so I’d had to stay home and supervise Jeremy getting his homework done. Maman doesn’t get that sometimes I have to choose between her needs and my children’s needs. Tough situation to be in, but it is the reality of those of us in the sandwich generation.

I apologized for my absence, but Maman was still pouting. “And Monica didn’t come today.” she stated. Monica is my sister in L.A., a two-hour car ride away.
“Maman, Monica is coming tomorrow, Friday. Today is Thursday. But I’m here now, do you want to play cards with me?” I asked. Maman loves to play cards.
“Non,” she replied.
“Fine, then I’m going to play a game of solitaire by myself.” I pulled out the cards and set up the game to play. Maman didn’t react at first, but after I played a few rounds, she slowly moved her hand, picked up a card and moved it to where it belonged. Good, I thought, I got her interested.

Meanwhile, Jeremy sat at the table, quietly stimming with one of Maman’s little stuffed animals. She keeps them in a bag hanging off her wheelchair, along with the playing cards and a book. As he was stimming, he rocked, and his chair started to slide backwards. Not a good thing considering that very old people in wheelchairs were right behind him. I asked him to budge, but he ignored me, so I got up and pushed his chair back in closer to the table. I sat back down, and Maman was back to staring at the TV screen. I tried to get both Maman and Jeremy interested in the card game, but nothing doing. I pulled out one of Maman’s Paris Match magazines—they both like to read those—but they just sat there unresponsive, each in their own little world. I continued my game of solitaire. There I was with two of my closest family members, and I had never
felt so alone.

Back home, there was a reminder email from Rebecca’s high school about an upcoming meeting. This is Rebecca’s senior year, and there are all these things I am supposed to be doing in order to help her choose, apply, get into, and pay for college. Things are much more complicated now than when I was in high school. Although I know all the ins and outs of special education, I am at a loss when it comes to college prep, and I feel like I am already behind in helping my daughter to navigate through all that she should be doing. Gosh, have I been spending so much time taking care of Maman and Jeremy that I have seriously messed up my daughter’s future? Something else to worry about, and now I will have to skip a visit with Maman to attend this meeting. It’s tough having to choose between being there for your child and being there for your parent.

Every one of these people whom I love and cherish requires and needs my attention. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and I think, “How did I get here? How did I become the primary caretaker for so many needy people?” And of course just asking the questions makes me feel guilty.

Then it hits me. I don’t want to rush through any of this.  I want to savor the next few years. Spending time with Rebecca is a joy; I don’t want to miss a minute of my teenage girl’s transformation into a young woman. She will be out of the nest before I know it. Maman has only a few years left, and I want to be there for her the way she was for me when I was little. Jeremy is evolving into adulthood, and it is gratifying to see how mature he is becoming. I don’t want to miss a minute of any of it.
This sandwich generation stuff is tough. But soon, my husband and I will be all alone and I’m not sure I’m ready for that. I’m lucky to have all these people to care for, needing me, surrounding me. My plate is very full, and yet that is what gives my life the richness and flavor that makes it worth living.

Temple Grandin and Jeremy Sicile-Kira to Keynote on-line Autism Conference

No-Cost Virtual  conference and new book highlight Autism Awareness month.

In honor of Autism Awareness month, is offering a free virtual conference with 17 different presenters over two days on Saturday, April 10th and Sunday 11th from 8:00 to 5:00 PST.

Temple Grandin, PH.D., subject of the recent HBO movie: Temple Grandin starring Claire Danes, will be the keynote speaker on Saturday April 10 at 8:00 am PST. Dr. Grandin is a designer of livestock handling facilities, Associate Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University and a bestselling author (Thinking in Pictures). Dr. Gandin will be discussing Teaching Through Specific Examples, and will also discuss the Importance of Sensory Processing Disorder and it’s place in the DSM V which is currently being updated.

Temple Grandin and Chantal Sicile-kira

Acknowledging that autism is a spectrum with different abilities and challenges, the keynote on Sunday April 11 at 8:00 am PST will be given by Jeremy Sicile-Kira who was highlighted in the MTV award-winning True Life episode, “I Have Autism.” Jeremy will present on Learning With Autism: A Personal Viewpoint using power point with voice output. “Jeremy has experienced home schooling, special education and inclusion, and many types of therapies in California, France and the UK. It’s not often we get to hear from someone as impacted as Jeremy about what it is like to be on the receiving end of therapies and treatments,” explained Chantal Sicile-Kira, autism advocate and award-winning author who will be moderating both keynote presentations. Her latest book, 41 Things to Know About Autism, has just been published by Turner Publishing. Continue reading »

Chantal Sicile-Kira on “It’s Your Call”

This is a few minutes of footage from a KVCR TV show I was on in April 2006 to promote Autism Awareness. It was an hour show where we answered questions from callers. The producer and moderator is Lillian Vasquez of KVCR, and the other guest is Patty Gross Founder of Northstar (where  Jeremy’s  assistance dog, Handsome, came from). Lillian has produced a few shows on autism creating great community awareness.

How the Rapid Prompting Method Gave Me A Voice

My son, Jeremy Sicile-Kira, wrote the article below about the Rapid Prompting Method (RPM) which appeared in the January 2010 issue of The Autism File. If you watch the HBO movie on April 2, A Mother’s Courage: Talking Back to Autism, you will see  Soma Mukhopadhyay teaching a child using RPM.



How the Rapid Prompting Method Gave Me A Voice

Having Autism is hard enough, especially when it comes to communication for people who are non-verbal like myself. The Rapid Prompting Method (RPM) is not only a learning method but a door to open-ended communication for different people with autism. It is my good fortune to have been taught by Soma  Mukhopadhyay, who pioneered  RPM.

Soma, originally from India,  has a son with autism named Tito, who is the mighty inspiration  behind RPM.  Soma needed to create a method that would help him not only  to learn, but to communicate as well. Soma was frustrated with the schools in India, where they lived, because they wouldn’t accept Tito as a student. Just like they told my parents in France, where I was born, they told Soma that Tito was mentally retarded. I was “diagnosed” with mental retardation too, yet here we are both using RPM to discuss our similar past experience.

RPM is a method that  can be used with different people as it is adapted to the needs of each individual. Some are auditory learners, some are visual learners and the RPM teacher uses the learning channel that is best for that person.  RPM uses a “teach and ask” paradigm for eliciting responses through intensive verbal, visual and or tactile prompts.  RPM starts with the idea that all students are capable of learning. Despite behaviors, the academic focus of every RPM lesson is designed to activate the reasoning part of the brain so the students becomes distracted and engaged in the learning. The prompting competes with student’s self-stimulatory behavior. Continue reading »

Autism: It’s A Family Thing

The Sicile-Kira Family

Autism: It's A Family Affair

This article was posted on my Psychology Today Blog, The Autism Advocate , on March 26, 2010.

A couple of years a go I was asked to write an article on The Affects of Autism in Families and in Partner Relationships,  for the May/June 2008 issue of  Family Therapy Magazine.  Lately I have been getting emails in regards to autism and marital stress, and I thought I would reprint part of the article here, since the information is still valid. If you are interested in this topic, you may wish to read the chapter on  the financial and emotional stresses of autism on the family that appears in my new book 41 Things to Know About Autism (just published by Turner Publishing).

Family life is all about relationships and communication: relationships between two people in love, parents and children, siblings, extended family members. Yet, autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are all about communication challenges, misunderstanding of social cues, and lack of emotional understanding, thus affecting every relationship in the family. In marriage, if one of the partners is on the spectrum, there will be more difficulties than the usual marital conflicts. Sibling issues are exacerbated by having an autistic sibling and/or a parent on the spectrum. Communication and social challenges can also impact the adult’s work situation. Grandparents are concerned about the effects of autism on their adult children (the parents), other grandchildren and future generations. Continue reading »

Successful Inclusion

Nancy Brady

Nancy Brady

Providing Literacy Opportunities to Students with Autism

For those who are not aware, once a month I moderate webinars for It’s a great resource because I interview all kinds of experts working in the field of autism and you can  send in your own questions to be answered. You can listen in for free live the night of; after that you can download it for a fee  by that organization.

Tuesday March 23 at 6:00-8:00 PST, my guest is Nancy Brady, MA-EdSP, ATS. Nancy is an Inclusion Specialist and Assistive Technology Specialist who strives to include those with the most severe disabilities in general education classrooms.    She has been working for the past 7 years on including those who have autism and are nonverbal in the general education classroom environment, advocating and emphasizing literacy opportunities through the use of Assistive Technology.

Nancy is actually my son’s inclusion specialist, so I can personally attest to her talents. Life has been much easier for me in terms of my son’s education and inclusion in the general education population. We had a willing school and wonderful staff, but having Nancy’s expertise in there has made my son’s experience so much more effective.

The topic of the webinar is Successful Inclusion:  Providing Literacy Opportunities to Students with Autism and some of the points Nancy will be covering include: Inclusion as a philosophy; Accommodations vs. Modifications; “Bottom up” support strategies; Teachers’ attitudes toward inclusion; Literacy Ladders vs. Literacy webs; How to create a successful team; Assistive Technology in the general education classroom; Independent Yes/No and A-B-C-D multiple choice – high tech vs. low tech; Motor planning in Autism; Presuming Competence as the Least Dangerous Assumption.

More things to know about Nancy:  Nancy has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies and Sociology from UC Santa Barbara, and a Masters Degree in Special Education from Chapman University.  She received her certificate in Assistive Technology through the Orange County Department of Education and California State University, Dominguez Hills in 2009. Nancy completed the Mentorship Project for Communication Partner Support through WAPADH in Santa Fe Springs in 2008 and the FC Institute Summer Conference at Syracuse University in New York in 2005 and 2006.  Nancy is a professional member of RESNA and a parent member of TACA.   Nancy’s agency, S.T.A.R. – Supported Typing and Autism Resources, is located in Laguna Hills, CA and teaches those who are unable to communicate verbally an alternative communication strategy using Assistive Technology.

Also, this week, my latest book 41 Things to Know About Autism is being published by Turner, just in time for April – Autism Awareness Month. I wrote this book for the parents who wanted a book to hand their relatives and neighbors so they could ‘get’ what they are living though. It’s a small book and a quick read, great for spreading community awareness.

Back to School 101: Tips for general education teachers

Tips for general education teachers

Back in August, I wrote this post for my Autism and Adolescence column in the, and I’m re-posting it here because I’ve received a few emails with questions recently from general education teachers. Maybe there are others who could use these little nuggets of information.

Often junior high and high school teachers have teenagers with Asperger’s Syndrome included in their classrooms, and are not given much in the way of useful information. This column will provide a few practical tips that may be helpful to educators with no practical knowledge about students on the spectrum.  For more information, check out this webpage.

Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism (HFA) is often described as an ‘invisible disability’ because students on the spectrum do not look different frorm most students. Most teachers expect them to act like everyone else, but often the student gets in trouble for behaving in a way that seems rude, disruptive or non-compliant.  A diagnosis of Asperger’s or HFA is based on challenges in the areas of communication, and social relationships, as well as what appears to be an obsession or passion for a particular area of interest.

Here are some tips that may help the school year go a little easier for you and your student on the spectrum:

  • It’s a good idea to have a hard copy of the homework assignment to hand to your students on the spectrum, because most of them are mono-channel. This means they cannot look at the assignment on the board, write it down and still be able to focus on what you are saying. By the time they have finished copying down the assignment, they have missed your intro to that day’s lesson. This mono-channel aspect makes it hard for a student to multi-task, and by only requiring him/her to do one thing at a time, it will be much easier for the student to stay focused. Continue reading »