Click here to view an interview of Chantal in regards to her book on Fox TV in San Diego in March 2012.
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Click here to view an interview of Chantal in regards to her book on Fox TV in San Diego in March 2012.
Some days I wonder why I do what I do, and at times Jeremy wonders if all the time and energy it takes him to write is worth it. So we are always happy to receive emails like the one below, from a dad, who is referring to our book A Full life with Autism.
“I am the parent of a 34 year old woman with high functioning autism. I have started to read a number of books on ASD over the years and usually stopped – feeling overwhelmed @ about page 30. But my daughter has sat alone in her room long enough. Thanks particularly to Jeremy’s comments in the book and Chantal’s understanding and good explanation – I think we can do this. I am buying the book for self and two adult siblings so we as a family as well as our daughter can begin to understand some steps to finally stop our avoidance and begin to develop a life of independence and quality for her. THANK YOU!”
Do you have a story to share about yourself, or a loved one, or a student you know on the autism spectrum who is having a hard time finding or keeping a job? What are the challenges to getting and staying employed you have experienced?
My son, Jeremy, is writing a paper on the barriers to employment for someone with autism including Asperger’s Syndrome. He is looking for more personal stories to illustrate his paper. Please, could you share your experience by writing it in a comment to this blog? You may stay anonymous if you wish.
In A Full Life with Autism, we wrote about employment among other topics and shared some practical and empowering advice from different sources. Here, Jeremy is researching more about the barriers people have encountered.
Please leave your stories, and pass this along to others who may have an experience to share.
Thank you for taking the time, and Jeremy will write a blog here when the paper is finished.