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Autism College Free Q & A with Visiting Professor Lindsey Biel M.A. OTR/L on September 5th

Join Visiting Professor Lindsey Biel M


, OTR/L  and moderator Chantal Sicile-Kira in a free interactive webinar  on Back to School Sensory Tips




com/register/event?oeidk=a07e7xrekxj27cabd90&llr=pi7vyonab”> here to sign up for this free opportunity to get educated

And tell your friends!


Free Q & A on Back to School Tips with Dr. Peter Faustino, moderated by Chantal Sicile-Kira

By the end of the summer, most of us parents are happy to see summer end knowing our ASD children will have routine and a schedule back in their lives (and so will we).  But  we dread the stress related to the start of a new school year.  There are ways to lessen the stress and help prepare both your child and the teacher for a new and hopefully successful new school year.

Autism College hopes to help this year by offering you a two hour free Q & A with Visiting Professor, Dr. Peter Faustino, school psychologist, moderated by Chantal Sicile-Kira. Both Dr. Faustino and Chantal have written on the topic and are looking forward to answering your questions and giving you tips to prepare your child, yourself, and the teacher for the start of a successful new school year! Whether your child is fully included or in a special day class there are ways to prepare and alleviate some of the stress of the transition from summer to school, especially when there are teachers new to your child or teenager.

Join Dr. Faustino and Chantal on Monday, August 22, 2011 from 6:00 to 8:00pm PST on the topic : Tips for Reducing the  Back to School Stress for Children with Autism, Parents and Educators.

Dr. Peter Faustino has been working as a school psychologist for more than 12 years.  He is currently the President of the New York Association of School Psychologists (NYASP).  NYASP – the state affiliate of NASP (www.naspweb.org) – serves children, their families, and the school community by promoting psychological well-being, excellence in education, and sensitivity to diversity through best practices in school psychology.  Dr. Faustino joined the Bedford Central School District in 2003 to work at the Fox Lane Middle School. Dr. Faustino also maintains a private practice with the Developmental Assessment and Intervention Center (DAIC) in Bedford Hills, NY.  He presents frequently at national conferences, schools, and parent organizations.

To sign up for the webinar, please signup for our newsletter here. Already signed up for the newsletter? Click here.

Free live Q & A on Tues July 19, 2011: Auditory Processing with Terrie Silverman.

Autism College will present a free live Q & A on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 from 6:00 to 8:00pm  PST with visiting professor Terrie Silverman, MS, and with Chantal Sicile-Kira moderating. The topic will be auditory processing and autism, and Auditory Integration Therapy. Sign up below.

Does your child   have difficulty coping with specific sounds; struggle with understanding what he/she hears;or shut down or struggle when there is much background noise? Does he or she hum or talk to himself/herself; have trouble with articulation, sound flat without inflection; or have trouble understanding what you say?   Your child may have auditory processing difficulties.  Tune in to hear what Terrie has to say. You’ll have the opportunity to send in some questions. Sign up below.

Terrie Silverman, M.S. received her master’s degree in speech/language pathology in 1973 from Rutger’s University and was trained in November 1992 as an Auditory Integration Training Practitioner. Ms. Silverman has been working with children, adolescents and adults with autism and developmental disabilities since 1974, in public schools, private schools, state and private residential facilities, group home settings, as a consultant, and with multidisciplinary teams in hospitals, clinics, schools and state programs.

Ms. Silverman and her staff have provided Berard Auditory Integration Training throughout the United States to over 2800 individuals. Ms. Silverman was Director of a Richmond, Virginia nonprofit agency for 12 years, where she created several programs to support families who were raising an individual with a developmental disability. Ms. Silverman was on the Board of Directors and was a member of SAIT, the Society for Auditory Intervention Techniques, and when it developed into a worldwide organization called BAITIS, the Berard Auditory Integration Training International Society, in 2007, Ms. Silverman was elected to the Board of Directors. She is a long time member of the Autism Society of America (ASA) and Developmental Delay Resources (DDR), as well as many other disability organizations. Terrie Silverman is a Berard Certified AIT practitioner. For more information go here.

Free Live Webinar with Dr. Ricki Robinson – Autism College Visiting Professor

Autism College will present a free live Q & A on Monday, May 2, 2011 from 6:00 to 8:00pm PST. Sign Up for this webinar here.

Have you ever wished you had access to a pediatrician who knows a lot about autism – including biomedical therapies and treatments ?  Have you ever wondered what a medical professional has to say about the importance of vision processing and  why assisted typing works as a communication tool  for some children with autism?  Sign up for this free Q & A and you’ll be able to ask questions from an experienced  pediatrician who is an expert in the field of autism.

Autism College is pleased to announce that our first  visiting professor  Q & A will be with  Ricki G. Robinson, M.D., M.P.H, author of the recently published Autism Solutions: How To Create a Healthy and Meaningful Life for Your Child.

Dr. Robinson,a pediatrician, has been providing hope and help for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders for more than 20 years. Her integrative, strengths-based approach to treatment includes a thorough evaluation of a child’s medical, developmental, social, emotional, behavioral and educational issues to find the solutions that maximize his health and well-being. In Autism Solutions, Dr. Ricki, as she is known to her patients, explains how to establish a team of professionals who can work with the child to give him or her the opportunity to live well, learn, interact and thrive.

Dr. Ricki Robinson is co-director of Descanso Medical Center for Development and Learning in La Canada, California.  She is a Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the Keck School Medicine of USC and Senior Attending Physician at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles.  She has been in private pediatric practice for over 30 years, specializing in children with developmental delays for over twenty years.  Dr. Robinson received her M.D. degree in 1973 from the University of Southern California.  She trained in pediatrics at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, having served as Chief Pediatric Resident for CHLA in 1976.  She is Board Certified in Pediatrics.  In 1988 she received her MPH from the University of California at Berkeley School of Public Health.

She has been actively involved in the field of autism since 1990, developing  multidisciplinary educational and medical programs for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and devoting endless hours in education, legislation and research efforts on a national level.  She is a founding board member of Cure Autism Now (now Autism Speaks) and the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders (ICDL), and currently serves on the Scientific Review Panel of Autism Speaks, the world’s largest autism advocacy organization.  Dr. Robinson organized and chaired the first nationally recognized task force to define the standard of care for clinical trials in autism.  The results of this outstanding effort were published in CNS Spectrums (January 2004, Vol. 9, #1).