Show Yourself Some Love : The Importance of Self-Care for Caregivers

Those who followed my blog in the past may have noticed a lot less activity in recent years. In the fall of 2014 my son Jeremy moved out of the family home and into supported living, and found an art studio where he could paint. It has been a wonderful journey helping Jeremy create the life he dreamed of. In 2016 he had his first curated art show (which was a huge success) followed by more shows.

Then, in January 2017 I suffered a concussion when my car was hit by a truck. I spent all of  2017 following my medical team’s advice. At first it meant no activity and no screen time, followed by  various therapies, more rest and restricted screen time. Now, over a year later, I am not yet 100% recovered, but I am driving again, and I am finally able to write and speak professionally once again – although at a slower pace.

One of the results of my car accident was that I was forced to do nothing but take care of myself on a daily basis.  As a parent of a wonderful young person – Jeremy- who requires 24 hour supports, I had in the past ‘stolen’ the time to re-boot and decompress – parents with their children still at home will get this – 10 mins here, 20 mins there,  “date night”  when respite was available. As well, my mind was rarely still – I loved writing and speaking and volunteering to help others – I was always actively solving challenges and creating solutions in my head. That’s how Jeremy ended up having the skills to communicate, and discovering his gift of painting: because  I never gave up on him even if others did and I found solutions to many of his challenges. I remember getting up very early before dawn to work on a book, then going for a run or walk outside before my husband left to go to work and before I got the kids up and off to school. I always practiced some self-care that I enjoyed – I loved getting up early and seeing the night become day – I’m definitely a morning person. But I also knew that if I didn’t do it early in the day while everyone was asleep – I met not get another chance. I never knew what the day would bring.

The car accident forced me to  only take care of myself and let others take care of me as well. Meditations, connecting more with my intuition and spiritual self, massages to help my body heal, and all the necessary therapies (including physical, vestibular, vision, speech) to create new connections really made me focus on ME. And you know what? The world did not fall apart – Jeremy had a very, very  rough time for the first two months, and so did I. But we survived.

Meditation has been a daily habit for me for some time, except for about the first six months after my concussion when I could not focus. the When Jeremy was in his early twenties and  still living at home he started to have more anxiety (on top of the PTSD from past traumatic experiences). It’s a known fact that many teens and young adults on the spectrum have high levels of anxiety. At that time, I realized that Jeremy also had great visualization skills,  so I thought why not have him try meditation? He doesn’t necessarily always sit calmly to listen, but he is still able to meditate.

The first meditations he ever enjoyed were some Deepak & Oprah 21 Day Meditation Experiences.  After taking part in free meditation challenges with intriguing titles such as  Perfect Health Meditations; Finding Your Flow Meditation Challenge, Jeremy would tell me which ones he wanted to listen to again and we would buy them so he could access them at any time.

There has been an interesting side effect to Jeremy’s daily meditation habit. Jeremy is very susceptible to the energy level of whichever  Team Member is supporting him that day. If the person is feeling anxious or stressed, Jeremy feels it.  While Jeremy is meditating, the Team Member who is  listening to the meditation with him usually benefits as well:  Jeremy feels them becoming more relaxed and calm as well. Everyone benefits!

Although I loved the Deepak and Oprah meditation series, I had never visited the Chopra Center. I knew it was somewhere in my area and realized people flew in from all over to take part in retreats and consult with the Mind – Body Medical Group. But it wasn’t until very recently that I learned that there were opportunities for those living close by to go to their take yoga and meditation classes, and to enjoy different Ayurvedic massage treatments.

My message to you today is: make self-care a priority.  Take care of yourself; no-one else will. Show yourself some love. Find what you can do on a regular basis  to keep your body and  mind healthy and your connection to Spirit / God alive. You’ll be happier, healthier and grateful you did.

Frog Legs for Breakfast – Camping a la Francaise

People  often  ask how did I build the character I have to  survive all the challenges I’ve faced as a parent of a young adult with autism, including ‘negotiating’ with the systems in place to help us?  The answer is simple: I survived camping.

chantal snake

The word ‘camping’ conjures up different images for everyone. Mention camping to my husband   Daniel –  whose mother was  a  Puerto Rican from Manhattan and his father a Romanian from Detroit-  and here is what he pictures:

A 1960’s green station wagon, parked in a rest stop,  close to  flushing toilets, hot running water, and a Greek diner. His mom and sister sleep in the station wagon where the seats have been folded down, a mattress laid on top to make a nice cozy bed with blankets and fluffy pillows. Screens cover the open windows so the bugs can’t get in. Daniel and his father sleep in a 4 person tent pitched nearby. In the morning they rise and stretch, refresh themsleves in the cozy warm rest stop bathroom and get dressed. They drive to the closest Greek Diner or Howard Johnson, sit in a booth  and have a nice warm breakfast and fresh coffee.

My parents were French Alpinists before becoming French immigrants on Staten Island. They treked in the Alps carrying what they needed to survive in the wilds and sleeping in two-man  pup tents they had sewn together.  Camping meant battling the elements.

So my visual of camping is somewhat different than my husband’s. I see six children covered in soot sharing three small faded old handmade pup tents in a former cow pasture –  evidenced by the cow patties that are left behind – surrounded by woods, 15 miles away from any other humans.

My father was a project manager for a construction firm in New York.  Eventually he was  assigned overseeing the construction of a power plant  in Louisville, Kentucky.  During the school year he commuted back and forth from Staten Island to Kentucky. But during the summer, my parents would pack us all up and take us camping for two months in the Louisville area so that we could be together. For two months each of  three summers, the cow pasture is home.

In the middle of the field is a one room old, rickety wooden shack where maman and papa sleep and where we all take cover during scary lightening and thunderstorms punctuated by torrential downpours of rain which reduces the cow field (and cow patties) to a mud pond. We keep our supplies in the leaky shack  and every other Sunday a rural roman catholic priest comes to celebrate mass for us (now that I think of it, maybe he was giving us last rites).

At a safe distance from the shack and tents is the one-hole wooden outhouse all eight of us share. There are no lights, and when use the outhouse we take a flashlight even in daytime to make sure no snakes are waiting for us in the hole where we sit to do our duty.

There is a large campfire maman uses to cook and heat water  to fulfill the basic needs of eight people, and next to it a picnic table where we eat. The pots on the campfire are old, and dented, stained black from the soot  which emenates from the  campfire which is kept lit 24/7 when it is not raining. Soot from the fire covers everything we have at the campsite. The only running water besides torrential rains is the stream below where my dad takes us frogging on moonlit nights.

The worst part about camping is not the frogging; it’s the sleeping in the narrow short pup tent. Every night I crawl in to my side of the tent, the left side, careful not to knock down the short pole in the middle of the tent holding up the ceiling. The tent is very low to the ground and the tent’s ceiling at it’s highest point is only 12 inches away from my face if I am lying on my back.   As a little girl, I can handle snakes but I absolutely abhor spiders; I have nightmares about them, usually the black widow sort.

Unfortunately, every morning when I wake up, the inside surface of  my tent which I share with one of my sisters,  is full of between 10 to 20 Daddy Long Legged spiders. Up close, these spiders look like one giant eye with  8 skinny, long legs coming out of that eye. Here is my first dilemma every morning upon waking up: I must get out of my sleeping bag in the narrow short tent without touching the canvas siding of the tent, because if I do the spiders will start moving.  And I am certain they will crawl all over me.  The second dilema is deciding: Do I stay face-down  as I carefully crawl out from the tent backwards so I can’t see the spiders but I imagine  them jumping on to my back  as I try to leave the tent?  Or do I roll over on to my back and  shuffle out of the tent feet first, with my eyes wide open so I can keep my eyes on the spiders, terrorized that at any moment one or more of them will jump on me?

My siblings, who know about my fear of spiders are relentless. Every morning before eating breakfast we must  air out our sleeping bags and empty the tents. And every morning one of them, ususally my older brother, grabs a spider by one of its legs and chases me around the campsite. I quickly learn to run fast, very fast. Once I am so terrified that I run all the way to the closest dirt road a quarter of a mile away before realizing I am wearing nothing but my big white panties. No matter that there is no one around for miles to see me, I am mortified.

After the spider chase torture ritual every morning, it is time for breakfast cooked over an open fire. If  we are lucky, we have frog legs for breakfast. There is a steep path leading to the stream below, which becomes a mudslide whenever it rains. At the bottom of the path, an old wooden rowboat is tethered to one of the trees that overhangs the river.  The rowboat is so old  that most of the  paint is peeled off, but you can tell that at one time it had been green. The water in the stream is murky and the sun barely ever reaches through the large tree branches that hang over it, tree roots sticking out making perfect resting places for all types of reptiles and insects.

Occasionally, when the moon is bright my dad takes take us ‘frogging.’ There are parts of frogging I really like: getting into the rowboat at night with the moon shining and fireflys  glowing,  insects buzzing, and feeling like we are going on a real adventure.  What I don’t like is the killing the frog bit. The idea behind frogging is to have frog legs for breakfast. As our parents never cease to remind us,

Papa: “ Cuisses de grenouilles, Frog legs are an expensive delicacy served in the finest of of restaurants in France. We are so lucky to have all these delicacies hopping around  for free, waiting to be harvested for our dining pleasure.”

I never can understand why my friends recoil when I told them about my frogging experience.  I imagine they  haven’t had  the good fortune of tasting frog legs cooked over an open campfire.  They didn’t know what they are missing.

The oldest four children climb into the rowboat with my dad, and we each have our job to do. Two of us row the creaky old boat, one of us  holds a flashlight and shines it over the river looking for frogs, one of us carries the burlap bag, and my dad holds the pitchfork. The pitchfork is smaller that your regular farmer’s pitchfork,   it looks more like  the miniature pitchforks sold with devil’s costumers around Halloween. But the prongs on this pitchfork  are real metal, thin and sharp.

Before we get into the rowboat, my siblings and I fight over who gets to do what. Everyone’s favorite job is holding the flashlight. It beats bagging the frogs and is less strenuous than rowing. It’s dark on the river, with overhanging branches of the trees blocking any moonlight. I like being in control of the flashlight because then I can shine the light  and  actually see – if I want to- all the weird things out there making noises. Whoever controls the flashlight controls what everyone sees because it is pitch black on the river.

We all sit quietly in the rowboat and wait till we hear the croaking  of  frogs and then  I turn the flashlight on the frog and aim the beam  right in  his eyes. The frog is blinded by the light, and he sits frozen, unable to move. My sisters  row the boat closer to the poor frog as I keep the beam of light steadfastedly aimed at the frog’s  eyes. Papa lifts the pitchfork up and spears the frog in his belly and my brother quickly moves in with the burlap bag and voila! in the burlap bag he goes! We always catch at least a dozen, we are 8 people and a pair of of frog legs  does not provide much nourishment – as delicacies rarely do.

Yes indeed, camping is good training for facing your demons.


Autism College Free Q & A with Visiting Professor Lindsey Biel M.A. OTR/L on September 5th

Join Visiting Professor Lindsey Biel M


, OTR/L  and moderator Chantal Sicile-Kira in a free interactive webinar  on Back to School Sensory Tips




com/register/event?oeidk=a07e7xrekxj27cabd90&llr=pi7vyonab”> here to sign up for this free opportunity to get educated

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The Affects of Autism in Families and in Partner Relationships

By Chantal Sicile-Kira, BA

Editorial Note: This article originally appeared in Family Therapy Magazine in May/June 2008

Family life  is all about relationships and communication:  relationships between two people in love, parents and children, siblings, extended family members. Yet, autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are all about  communication challenges, misunderstanding of social cues, and lack of emotional understanding,  thus affecting every relationship in the family. In marriage, if one of the partners is on the spectrum, there will be more difficulties than the usual marital conflicts. Sibling issues are exacerbated  by having an autistic sibling and/or a parent on the spectrum. Communication and social challenges  can also impact the adult’s work situation. Before looking at how to best provide support, a better understanding of the particular difficulties autism infuses into the family unit is necessary.

Autism: It’s a Family Thing

It has been estimated that the divorce rate is in the 80% range  in families with children who have autism (Bolman, 2006).   Despite high rates of marital conflict, many couples do not reach out for  couples therapy.  Lack of respite is a major reason.  For most, finding  a babysitter with whom then can safely  leave  an autistic  child who has  toileting issues, little communication skills, aggression and other inappropriate behaviors on a regular basis is difficult (Sicile-Kira, 2004). Another reason is their lack of belief that they will find a therapist understanding of their particular circumstance and offer any true guidance, thus preferring to use the precious  time away from the child to confide in a good friend.

Marital stress around the child usually  starts when one or both of the parents realizes the child is not developing properly. Couples who have a child who  does not seek their attention in the usual  way  (i.e.,  eye contact, reaching out  for or giving of  affection, searching them for comfort when hurt) find it  hard   not to  feel rejected or unimportant to the child. For those whose child develops normally and then regresses around 18-24 months, there is the added loss of  the child they knew slipping away. Consider also that a couple looks forward to having a child, and each person had his idea of what the expected child will be like.  When the child does not match the expectation,  or regresses, there is a loss and anguish felt by the parent not unlike the stages of grief that people who  lose a loved one experience (Sicile-Kira, 2004).

Other stages of added stress are: getting a diagnosis (family physicians are reluctant to make a diagnosis on a condition once rare for which they have no set treatment plan to prescribe); getting services (a constant struggle); dealing with adolescence (sexual development appears, uncontrolled tantrums can be dangerous as the teen gets bigger); and post high school (the realization that few adult services are available) (Sicile-Kira, 2006).

Keeping  any marriage healthy takes  time, and all too often,  time  gets swallowed up by the autistic child’s needs.  Many children with an ASD   have difficulty  sleeping, meaning that at least one of the parents is sleep deprived. Usually, a role division takes place as one parent, usually mom,  becomes the  autism expert,  while dad works harder to earn money or opts out. Differences of opinion exasperate an already difficult situation – how much time, energy and money is to be spent on helping the child is based on personal philosophy, and in this the couple may clash.   Over time, dad becomes frustrated at the demands of their wives to interact or play with a child who does not know how, and moms become frustrated at the lack of involvements of their partners.

As well, a common pattern among moms is to wonder what they did wrong – drinking or taking medications  during pregnancy, exercising too much, allowing the child to be vaccinated, thus adding  feelings of guilt to an already stressful situation. Also, the couple eventually feels  isolated because they feel it is hard to take an autistic child to people’s homes and are uncomfortable inviting people over.

Sometimes the couple becomes closer than ever, bonded in their shared circumstances. Unfortunately, usually the stress of dealing with autism and all it entails – the constant and necessary advocacy at school, the fighting for services and supports, the added financial burden, trying to handle behaviors and meltdowns at home – becomes a  wedge pushing the spouses  further and further apart. Overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted, the couple’s communication becomes  impaired and even autistic-like, lacking emotion and reciprocity.  This can affect other children in the family.


Unlike the parents who are totally focused on the autistic child’s needs, grandparents are concerned about the effects of autism on their adult children (the parents), other grandchildren and future generations.  They also suffer stress similar to that of parents and siblings. Grandparents  are concerned about the difficult situations they see their own children experiencing. They may provide the autistic child’s parents (who may be depressed, single, or divorced) with necessary support in the way of childcare, financial support and advocacy. But, they may also contribute to stress because of conflict regarding behavioral symptoms and treatment (Hillman, J. 2007). Sometimes grandparents  get involved in the blame-game about the possible causes of the child’s autism, which can be particularly terrible if the couple splits up and there are disputes over custody.

Grandparents may want to help by babysitting, but most do not have the training in behavior management or may not have the physical strength  required to handle behavioral episodes. They may just want to play with the child and spoil him/her, and end up feeling rejected  by the lack of ‘typical’ exchange.


The challenges of having a brother or sister on the spectrum can have both  positive and a negative effects on  a sibling. The factors that affect how a sibling adjusts include: family size, severity of the brother or sister’s impairment, age of the sibling at the time of the diagnosis, gender and age of sibling, and their place in the birth order.  The parents’ attitudes and expectations have a strong bearing on how a sibling adjusts.

Many siblings develop a maturity  and sense of responsibility greater than that of their peers, take pride in the accomplishments of their brother and sister and develop a strong sense of loyalty. Siblings of ASD children are usually more tolerant of differences in people and show compassion of others with special needs. However, many siblings feel resentment  at the extra attention the child with autism receives, and some feel guilt over their good health. When little, they may think  they can ‘catch’ autism from their sibling. They may also feel saddled with what they perceive as parental expectations for them to be high achievers. Many feel anxiety about how to interact with their brother or sister, and feel rejected by the lack of reciprocality. Often there is a feeling of resentment at having to take on extra household chores, coupled with restrictions in social activities. When one of the parents has AS, this creates another set of challenges.

An Asperger Marriage

As Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) has only been recognized since 1994, there are many adults with AS who have been misdiagnosed and treated for  mental illness. Although traditionally 3 out of 4 children diagnosed with an ASD are male, there is growing consensus that there may actually be more  females with Asperger’s Syndrome who have been  misdiagnosed with other conditions. Keep in mind that the information below is  based on  heterosexual partnerships,  although  same- gender relationships occur just as it does in the population as large.

Sometimes the diagnosis of an adult follows  that  of  their child, sometimes it follows marriage therapy, and sometimes it is problems at work that  finally lead to a diagnosis. A spouse  may seek out a therapist  with complaints of  a cold, uncaring,  and unemotional husband, although she may have chosen her mate because he appeared  calm and reliable. An AS adult may appear depressed because of  the flat affect, monotone and lack of direct eye contact.  Others may appear controlling and rigid, insisting everyone in the household stick to the same schedule and participate in the same activities, due to a need for sameness and inability to empathize. It is this lack of  empathy that has the biggest impact on the partner with AS ability to understand their spouses, as well as any children,  and to recognize that their needs, perceptions and thoughts are different from their own (Aston, M. 2005).  Poor empathy in the AS parent may contribute to behavioral and psychological problem in the children. However,  a parent with AS, may be better able to better understand and cope with the a child who has the same diagnosis.

Anxiety and stress can run high in adults with Asperger’s due to the difficulties in communication and social interaction. Most lack what we think of as ‘common sense.’ Body language and subtexts of intonations are lost on them, so that they may hear the words that were spoken, but not understood the real message or context. Persons on the spectrum can be honest to a fault and  may make inappropriate comments in public, thus appearing rude and uninterested in social situations.

These same communication problems effect a person’s ability to keep a job or move up the corporate ladder. Temple Grandin PhD, author of Thinking in Pictures and animal scientist, often speaks about how she almost got fired from her first important job because she kept writing letters to the CEO telling him how he could improve the company. She had no clue that the hierarchy at work dictated how, what, and to whom you communicate. Often times when a company is downsizing, the people laid off are the those who did not establish social relationships at work.

Physical demonstrations of affection can be difficult  for those  adults who  suffer from sensory processing disorder  and are overly sensitive to touch. Often the AS spouse is surprised that his partner and  children are feeling unloved and unsupported, not realizing that his behavior does not show the support and love he says he has for them.  The inability to read non-verbal communication makes it difficult  to differentiate between when their partner  wants to have intercourse or just a snuggle.  Some couples report that the partner on the spectrum insists on routine even  in  sexual activity (Aston, M. 2003).

Finding out that a partner has an ASD can provoke different feelings. One of them is anger at missing out on aspects of a marriage that the partner was looking forward to. Another feeling is relief that the partner is not trying to shut the other one out, he is just unable to provide the emotional response needed (Slater-Walker, C., and Slater-Walker, G. 2002). For children the reaction is similar. The positive aspects of having a spouse with Asperger’s can  include  the realization that they are in most cases loyal, honest and dependable.  Those who are diagnosed as adults who knew they were different feel empowered and relieved once they receive the diagnosis, as now they have a starting point for finding strategies that are helpful (Carley, M. 2008).

How  Therapists Can Help

There many ways in which therapists can help the family unit. For all those who need more information or need access to a support group and are not yet hooked into recourses, the Autism Society of America has local chapters that can be helpful.

Couples need to be encouraged to acknowledge  and face the emotions of the grief cycle (i.e., denial, grief, depression, anger) and the loss of the child they were expecting, and to work through these emotions. Misdirected anger is often released at school personnel in Individualized Educational Program (IEP) meetings or taken out on service providers, thus alienating the very people who are there to help them.

Encouraging couples to regularly schedule time together without the children is important. However, this suggestion is useless  unless the therapist can support  them in devising  a practical plan for  finding the respite help they need.

The lack of qualified babysitters can be a very real obstacle to finding  time together or continuing therapy. Working on good communication skills and  looking at how they can support each other is important. The couple  needs to realize and accept that their partner may react differently to having an autistic child and a different viewpoint when it comes to how much effort and money to put into treatment, as well as what kinds of treatments to pursue.

Encouraging dads to  take a more active role  with agreed upon treatments, generalizing some of the skills the child has learned through his ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) program, helping with structure, limit setting and discipline can be very helpful. For this to occur, dad needs more information and training. Perhaps coming up with some dad-oriented informational materials could be useful. A good on-line support group for dads is

In the same way, providing available and willing grandparents with information and a little training that can enable them to step in and give the parents a few hours of respite can be beneficial to all involved. Explaining to them why their grandchild acts they way they do (i.e., sensitivity to sound and light, not being able to make sense of the world, lack of communication skills) is helpful.  Suggesting they  offer to  do a specific task, such as  teaching the child to catch and return a ball or play a simple game, or  teach a simple learning skill which needs much repetition and positive reinforcement, can be helpful. In this way they could  understand both the effort needed and the excitement to be had in teaching their grandchild an interactive skill. Grandparents will feel empowered knowing they are making a positive difference in the family’s life, the parents will feel supported and more relaxed. Information geared towards grandparents can be found on the  Grandparent Autism Network  at

To the non-autistic sibling, knowing that they can ask questions and discuss their feelings about their sibling and autism is important. By helping parents understand the needs that siblings have is helpful,  as sometimes these get lost in the shuffle. The non-autistic children need some quality time   alone with their parents on a regular basis Parents need of be aware of the sibling’s feelings in order to develop strategies of support  to help him/her  adapt.

Providing the siblings with information about autism  (such as why their sibling acts they way he does)  in a positive manner at their age level is necessary, and there are many children’s books available now that that can be very helpful. Joining a support group for other siblings of special needs children can be extremely helpful so they do not feel they are the only ones going though this, see for more information.

The siblings need to be reminded often that they have just as much of their parents’  love as their autistic sibling, even  if  parents may need to give more time and attention to their brother or sister with autism. It is important that the non-autistic sibling have a private autism-free zone  to call their own, and a secure place to keep their precious objects. They also need to see that the sibling with ASD is given consequences if he wrecks their things, and that he is expected to improve his behaviors over time. For children of an AS parent,

For a mixed marriage between an  Asperger and a non-autistic partner  to work,  each spouse  needs to recognize the differences they have and  why. If the partner  with Asperger’s  refuses to  acknowledge that his behaviors and actions towards his/her partner are unacceptable, then  there is little hope for the relationship.

Understanding the deficits, reinforcing the strengths and  acknowledging the needs of each partner is helpful. Teaching the willing AS partner behaviors that are important to his spouse (such as greeting her  when he walks in the house, asking about the partner’s day at work, giving her a kiss) is effective. Research for my new book  (Autism Life Skills to be published by Penguin October 2008) indicates that those willing to learn can be taught expected behaviors and strategies. Some of these include teaching them the ‘hidden curriculum’ (i.e., what non-autistics automatically learn and take for granted, making lists for visual learners).  For more social competence at work, having a mentor there who can explain the non-autistic expectations, and writing a list or drawing a map of the hierarchy and expected communications at each level can be well-worth the effort. GRASP – The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome is a good on-line network for people on the spectrum  Information for  partners and families can be found on these two websites : Asperger Syndrome  Partners & Individuals, Resources, Encouragement and Support. ; Families of Adults Affected by Asperger’s Syndome

Author Biography

Chantal Sicle-Kira, BA is President of  Autism Making A Difference,Inc. which provides consultation, training and seminars on ASDs. She is the author of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2005 ASA Outstanding Book of the Year), and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum Disorder, both published by Penguin. Her third book Autism Life Skills will be published Oct 2008.


Aston, M. 2003. Aspergers in Love: Couple Relationships and Family Affairs. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Aston, M. 2005  “Growing up in an Asperger Family.” Counseling Children and Young People (CCYP) Journal.

Autism Society of America, 2008. “Family Life.”

Bolman, W. 2006. “The Autistic Family Life Cycle: Family Stress and Divorce.”

Carley, M. 2008 Asperger’s from the Inside and Out: A Supportive and Practical Guide for Anyone with Asperger’s Syndrome. New York: Perigee.

Hillman, J. 2007. “Grandparents of Children with Autism: A Review with Recommendations for Education, Practice, and Policy.” Educational Gerontology, P 513-527.

Sicile-Kira, C. 2006. Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum: A Parent’s Guide to the Cognitive, Social, Physical and Transition Needs of Teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Perigee.

Sicile-Kira, C. 2004. Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Complete Guide to Understanding Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, and Other ASDs. New York: Perigee.

Slater-Walker, C., and Slater-Walker, G. 2002. An Asperger Marriage. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.